This Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is made on behalf of Stoneweg European Holdings Limited (previously Cromwell European Holdings Limited) (“SEHL”) pursuant to Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. On 24 December 2024, SEHL’s ownership transferred to a Luxembourg-domiciled acquisition vehicle controlled and managed by Stoneweg.
However, during the Reporting Period (1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024), SEHL was a subsidiary of Cromwell Property Group (“CPG”), a global real estate investor and asset and fund manager that owns, manages and invests in property on three continents with a global investor base.
Therefore, this is a joint statement on behalf of SEHL and CPG and describes SEHL’s approach to identifying and managing the risk of modern slavery in its supply chains and operations during CPG’s ownership.
Read the Modern Slavery Statement